Harry Potter Thursday #1


Harry Potter Moment of the Week hosted by Uncorked Thoughts!  Check out the blog-hop and other cool stuff over there!

The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object, quote etc. from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related!

Today’s Potter Question:  What is the place you wish we’d explored in the series, but didn’t?

For my 1st Harry Potter Moment of the Week, I have to visit the muggle world.  I wish I knew more about Hermione and her childhood home.  How did she, and her parents, discover she was a witch?  Did she demonstrate some unknown magical power (just as Harry talked to the snake and had it attack Dudley)?  Or, did she just really, really like learning about the Wizarding World and she just became really good at witchcraft?  Was she made fun of and teased in school for being the “nerdy girl”?  What was life like growing up as a witch in a muggle world?


3 thoughts on “Harry Potter Thursday #1

  1. I never did read the Harry Potter series, however I wish I would have. I did watch the movies though! But i’m sure they weren’t nearly as good as the books themselves. Maybe I should attempt to read the series? Anyway, all great questions for the particular book. It really sounds like you did your research in regards to the questions you listed and the book itself. Great post!


    1. Ok…confession time. I have not read every book in the series either! I’ve read the first 4…a LONG time ago. Maybe we could be virtual book club buddies and both read them?!

      The movies were very good. I think the text to film adaptation was pretty close/accurate (at least for the first 4). Which movie is your favorite?


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